Knit Bowtie Headband on Etsy + Free Pattern Coming Soon!

Happy Day After St. Patrick’s Day!  Hope you all had an awesome holiday, and hopefully you’re not feeling the after effects of last night too hard today.  Daniel and I had a low key St. Paddy’s, which included a homemade meal of corned beef, cabbage, and mashed potatoes.  Plus a couple of pints of Guinness (of course), mint green cupcakes, and a few Irish movies!  It was nice not dealing with the typical crowded bars, and since I didn’t have too wild a night, I was able to put up a new Etsy listing today!

My newest knitted creation is this super cute knit Bowtie Headband!  It is 100% handmade, super soft and warm, and looks great with a top knot.  It’s my new favorite winter accessory to wear for the last bit of the season.  Check it out!

Handmade Knit Bowtie Headband on Etsy

Side View of Knit Bowtie Headband

Knit Bowtie Headband Pattern

Close Up of Knit Bowtie Headband

DIY Knit Bowtie Headband

Free Knit Bowtie Headband PatternThis is another original design by moi, and you can get it at my Etsy Shop: MicheleVenleeDesigns!  You can also find other fun items there too!

As always, if you love it, please share it!  And be sure to come back soon, because I’ll be sharing the FREE pattern for this Knit Bowtie Headband in the spring!

DIY Cable Knit Headband Pattern

Woo hoo, it’s Friday!  I bet you’re all super excited it’s almost the weekend, I know I am!  To make your Friday (hopefully) even better, I’m going to share another free knitting pattern with you all!

DIY Cable Knit Headband Pattern

I’ve recently been obsessing over the knit headband trend, and since I’m back in a colder climate, I decided to make one for myself!  After searching endlessly for a pattern I liked, I finally found this pattern from the blog Transient Expression.  I completed the headband and while it’s super cute, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for.  So a new search began for the perfect pattern.  I’ve come to realize the reason I rarely buy new clothes, shoes or accessories is because I’m constantly looking for the perfect item.  I’m not sure yet if that’s a good or bad quality, but in this case I think it was definitely good.  My desire for perfection pushed me to create a brand new pattern, and now I have a knit headband that I LOVE!

After a little bit of trial and error at the start, I eventually perfected the Cable Knit Headband Pattern and here it is for all of you to try out.  Happy Knitting!

Here’s what you need:

  • 1 ball Impeccable Impecable in True Grey (100% acrylic, medium)
  • Size 8 (5mm) knitting needles
  • Cable needle
  • Yarn needle for seaming and weaving in ends


  • K:  Knit
  • P:  Purl
  • C8F:  Cable eight stitches in front

Gauge:  8 stitches and 15 rows in garter stitch = 2 inches.

Here’s what you do:

Cast on 20 stitches.

Cast On 20 Stitches

Row 1:  K2, P1, K1, P2, K8, P2, K1, P1, K2

Row 2: K3, P1, K2, P8, K2, P1, K3

Row 3: K2, P1, K1, P2, K8, P2, K1, P1, K2

Row 4: K3, P1, K2, P8, K2, P1, K3

Row 5: K2, P1, K1, P2, K8, P2, K1, P1, K2

Row 6: K3, P1, K2, P8, K2, P1, K3

Knit Headband Rows 1-6

Row 7:  K2, P1, K1, P2, C8F, P2, K1, P1, K2.  Here are some detailed images of Row 7…

Knit pattern until you reach “C8F”

Start Knitting Row 7

Slip 4 stitches onto your cable needle and hold it in front of your work (this is part of the C8F)

Slip 4 Stitches Onto Cable Needle

Knit 4 stitches from knitting needle (C8F)

Knit 4 Stitches in Row 7

Knit stitches from your cable needle to complete C8F

Knit Stitches from Cable Needle to Complete Twist

Complete Row 7.  This is what the cable twist will look like

Completed Cable Knit Twist

Repeat rows 2-7 until desired length, for me it was when the whole piece measured 15 ½ inches long.  It’s best to make it a bit tight, since the headband will stretch.

Knit Headband Until Desired Length

Bind off, sew seams together, weave in ends and then you’re done!

Cable Knit Headband Pattern

Close Up of Cable Knit Headband Pattern

Cable Knit Headband

Close Up of Cable Knit Headband

As always, please let me know if you have any questions in the comments section.  If any of you make a headband for yourself, I’d love to see photos of your completed project!  AND if you don’t know how to knit or simply don’t have the time, I’m excited to announce that I’m in the process of opening an Etsy shop!  So hopefully in the near future you’ll be able to buy some of the knitting products you see on here!

Can’t wait to share it with you all!  Have a wonderful weekend!